Specialty Finishes Available for Our Architectural EPS

There is something that truly impresses when you view what the final designs of our architectural EPS products look like. The result can be incredible, mimicking and replacing otherwise heavy and more expensive products like stone, wood, and concrete.

Our products, which used structurally reinforced high density EPS cores, look like those crafted from quarries with a light weight that makes them much easier to install and less costly for the project.

Our equipment also makes it possible to provide a variety of highly effective specialty finishes, each one to help make your projects look their absolute best. Some of the finishes we have available include, but are not limited to:

  • Stucco Grade Finishes

At Patterson Whittaker, our stucco finishes are some of our most popular. Our high density EPS can be made to be field coated by those working in stucco. We create resilient and flexible designs that are extremely light weight, and those that already work with stucco find these products and their crisp detailing to be preferable compared to many other products on the market. Since all of our products can be customized, the result is an very high quality design – far more so than other commonly available stucco coated shapes.

  • Paint Grade Finishes

We may offer custom stucco shapes, but our products are not limited to stucco. We can create custom designs that are paint grade – smooth, durable, and ready for final coating. Unlike wood, these products will never split or rot, and are essentially 100% water proof. They are low maintenance, very beautiful, and an excellent choice for large scale interior and exterior applications.

Our paint grade finishes also utilize a special formula that bonds with acrylic paint to add years to the paint’s nature life expectancy.

  • Stone Finish

One of the most popular product finishes that we offer is a stone finish, because it is designed specifically to incorporate natural mineral aggregates that make the final product actually look like stone’s color and texture. We are able to create a broad range of textures and earth tones to create appearances like limestone, or the grays of many European stones. That makes these products a much better alternative to stone – less costly, easier to install, and longer lasting.

Explore Our Finishes – Contact Our Sales Team

Our products are not well known, but those that have used them find them to be immensely beneficial to the point where they start to replace all their other architectural products with our EPS core materials. We encourage you to reach out to our team so we can show you samples and completely change how you view and address your architectural needs.

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